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Week One - Monday 18th April 2022

Welcome back to the Summer term. I hope you all had a lovely and restful break! I really do enjoy the Easter holidays as I find it is less manic and a chance to really relax and unwind! 


However, we were back before we knew it and credit to all the children who started back full of positivity, energy and readiness. 


This week we finished our English book, Leon and the Place Between, a lovely story about a boy named Leon who visits the circus. We finished our English unit by writing a diary entry as Leon, below are some examples. I am really proud of all the children who used their 'purple polishing pens' to up-level their work, 


In Maths this week we have been working with decimal numbers and identifying tenths and hundredths within a decimal. We will continue working with decimals next week.



We started our new Design and Technology unit today and we will be focusing on pizza's and towards the end of term we will be making our own pizza. Today we found out what the most popular pizza was in Year 4. Can you guess? 


Have a lovely weekend, Miss Atkinson
