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Parent Voice

Parent survey Spring 2022 “You said we did!”

At the coffee morning with parents on May 17th we fed back the results of the survey and parents attending were happy with the changes in timeliness of communication, the Behaviour for learning policy, the home school agreement and the homework which we now send home weekly to all children.

Communication (13 comments)

Parents commented that communication needs to be more timely. We now ensure that we write to the parents in good time eg dress up days and that any changes are communicated well before they happen. The HT blog link is emailed out every Friday at 5pm and the newsletter is sent out monthly. Some parents do not have the ‘Marvellous Me’ App, so we make sure that an email goes out to all parents rather than using this as a method of communication with the class. Also not all parents are on WhatsApp, so if a message is sent out on WhatsApp, the same message is also sent out on an email to all.

Homework (13 comments)

Parents shared that they would like their children to have homework and for the online Apps to be used more effectively. We have shared a home-school agreement for all to sign in the new homework books. We have reviewed the provision of homework across the school to ensure that it progresses from one year to the next fairly. The home learning grid shows expectations for reading, spelling, phonics, Times tables rockstars, Mathletics and Purple mash and how these progress as children go from one year group to the next.

Knowing what the children are learning (12 comments)

Parents commented that they would like to know more about their childrens’ learning. The school website is an excellent resource, which shows what the children are learning. Teachers are now writing a curriculum overview for each half term and updating their class page weekly. Homework also ensures that parents know what their children are learning in school as the homework is related to the learning that week.

Behaviour (8 comments) and bullying (4 comments)

Parents shared their concerns about certain aspects of the children’s behaviour in school. We have updated behaviour policy and this is now called the behaviour for learning policy as it is important that behaviour is appropriate to encourage learning to take place. This now includes rewards eg star of the day, marbles in the jar for a class treat and golden time. The policy also includes consequences eg ‘calm down’ reflection time with LT, DHT, or HT. We work closely with families and seek your support in discussing behaviour with your children at home. Staff have had discussions with children about what bullying is and that we are a ‘telling’ school, adults will listen to children and take their concerns seriously. In PSHCE lessons, we discuss bullying and what is the difference between bullying everyday friendship issues. Zones of regulation allows us to discuss with the children how they are feeling and how to regulate their emotions.

Parent coffee morning or afternoons

We would like to extend an invitation for you to join us for a coffee half termly, dates can be found on the school calendar. We will discuss the vision and values for Shenley primary school, new policies, the wellbeing of the children and parental feedback. If you feel that you would like to talk to us about anything concerning your children, please speak to us on the school gate, or make an appointment via the school office.

Parent Voice 

It’s always good to hear your feedback at our school open days and coffee mornings; we discuss some great ideas which are extremely valuable to the school. However, we are aware that not all parents can take time during the day to come into school. 

We value all ideas and thoughts about school life and know how important it is to work together to continue improving your child’s experience here. 

If you would like to share your ideas and feedback, please email: 
