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  • Cooke 86.1%
  • Ahlberg 86.2%
  • Kipling 81.2%
  • Jeffers 89.6%
  • Milligan 89.6%
  • Rowling 95.3%
  • Morpurgo 94%
  • Shakespeare 94.5%

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Primary School

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School Uniform

White shirt / blouse or polo shirt

Royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo

Grey skirt / grey pinafore dress with zip front / grey trousers

Grey socks, tights or white socks.

Sensible flat, dark shoes (no boots).

Jewellery must not be worn in school, only small stud earrings can be worn in school.

Hair ornaments should be blue, small and unobtrusive.


Summer term and up to Autumn half term, blue gingham dress with white or dark sandals, grey shorts with dark sandals.


Nursery children may wear navy or grey jogger bottoms.


PE - white school Tshirt , blue school shorts, indoor plimsolls, a pair of trainers and royal or navy blue tracksuit for outdoor PE. A PE bag with school logo if possible. Children will be assigned a house and will need to have a house colour t-shirt for house day events and sports day. Nursery do not require a PE kit. Reception only do outdoor PE in warm weather in plimsolls so do not need trainers or tracksuit. All children need the blue school rucksack or book bag (both can be purchased from Stevensons) in school to carry their books and homework. Please ensure everything is labelled. 


Our PTA have a selection of nearly new uniform available to purchase. Please contact the school office for more details.

