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  • Cooke 91%
  • Ahlberg 92%
  • Kipling 91%
  • Jeffers 91%
  • Milligan 93%
  • Rowling 91%
  • Morpurgo 93%
  • Shakespeare 92%

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Primary School

Happy - United - Inspired

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Forest School

Forest School Intent

The forest school approach to learning is about providing an inspirational natural environment that gives all learners the opportunity to develop confidence and self-esteem. Our children are encouraged to direct their own learning, make mistakes and take risks through free play and learning experiences.  It is a long term plan that needs to be experienced at least once a week through different seasons.

We aim to promote the holistic development of all involved by fostering independence, problem solving, resilience, determination and great communication skills.

We want to help you at home! Click on the leaf below to access some of the fantastic ideas you can be doing at home, on your daily walks, in your garden or out and about in the community.


You can also check out any updates and pictures from our every growing Forest School environment.

"There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing!"

Alfred Wainwright

Forest School Clothes


Long sleeved top

Hoodie/ fleece/ jumper

Waterproof jacket/ coat

Trousers/ jogging bottoms

Thick socks

Wellington boots/ waterproof boots

Hat, gloves, scarf.


Long sleeved top

Light trousers/ leggings


Trainers/ sturdy shoes/ wellington boots


