Week commencing 27th September
We have had a great week this week in Jeffers Class and have been really busy!
In Maths, we have been using lots of equipment to regroup numbers. I have been really impressed by how independently the children have been working and it has been great watching their understanding grow throughout the week. We were even able to use coins to do this so maybe the children can practise when they are out over the weekend!
In English, we have been looking at writing accurate sentences relating to our book the Frog and the Stranger. We had some great sentences written and the children were also able to use conjunctions such as 'and', 'but' and 'because' to extend their sentences.
We started our Music unit this week on a programme called 'Charanga'. We will be learning a song each half term and will eventually be using instruments to perform the song. We really enjoyed finding the 'pulse' of the music this week with different actions! It was a fun way to end the week! The children have come home today with their own logins for this website and I will put the link on the class page. This will allow them to practise and have some fun at home too.
In Art this week, we have been looking at famous 'cityscape' paintings by famous artists such as Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh. The children then recreated these using oil pastels and paints.
The children have Mathletics logins in their reading records and work is being set on here weekly.
Have a great weekend and I will see you on Monday!