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Week commencing 11th October

We have had a great week in Jeffers Class this week and the children have worked so hard! 

In English, we started a new book called 'How to Make Friends with a Ghost' by Rebecca Green. The book gives instructions for meeting and taking care of a ghost friend and the children are really enjoying it. Throughout the week, we have looked at different sentence types such as statements (which give information), questions (which we ask to find out information) and commands (which tell us what to do). We had the most fun when we looked at commands on Friday! Commands start with 'imperative' or 'bossy' verbs and we practised using these with our friends. We had examples such as 'Do 10 sit ups', 'Run around the playground five times' and 'Hop on one leg 10 times'! As you can imagine, we were very worn out by the end! Why not practise using imperative verbs with your children at home this weekend?


In Maths, we have been beginning to order numbers using a range of equipment such as 'base 10' and beadstrings. The children are confident when comparing numbers using vocabulary such as tens and ones to justify their answers. We have also been practising counting in twos this week. I have included a game called 'Funky Mummy' in the useful links that we played in Maths this week. The children loved it, and it can be used to practise times tables or number bonds amongst other things. 


Please remember to read regularly at home with your children and sign the reading record. We only got 40% of the class as 'Super Readers' (children that read every day) this week and we would love it to be higher next week!


The children managed to get 16 marbles in their jar this week which meant a treat of their choice. They chose to have ice cream and sprinkles and we spent time eating these and watching a film to end the week in style!


Have a great weekend!

Miss Rawlings
