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Week beginning 9.1.23

This week we have been learning about 'Winter'. We have found out that it is the season that follows Autumn. In the winter, the leaves have fallen of the trees and they are bare. The weather is rainy and we sometimes get snow like we did before Christmas. We have to wear our coats outside because it is cold. The days are shorter and some animals hibernate or migrate during the winter months.


The children looked at a winter picture and talked about what they could see. The Nursery children are developing their vocabulary to talk in sentences about the season of winter and the children in Reception wrote a sentence about what they could see. For most children, this is the first time they have had a go at writing a sentence-I was very impressed by their use of phonics skills they have been taught, to say words slowly to hear all the sounds and then write the letters to represent those sounds.

As we have not had any real snow this week, we had to make do with fake snow. The children enjoyed exploring the 'snoball play' with the polar animals.

The children are all keen to play outside, despite the cold weather. Some of the children have been working hard to improve their physical skills with a 'cup and ball'. I was very impressed with the perseverance of the children who practised and practised all afternoon until they were finally able to catch the ball in the cup.
