Week beginning 9.10.23
This week we have been reading the story about Miss Brick the Builders' Baby. Everyone in the family is a builder. All except for Baby Brick. Baby brick likes knocking thisngs down!
We have been doing lots of building this week using lots of different materials. We have enjoyed making things and have collaborated really well with our friends. We have also enjoyed knocking things down!
We made lots of things with the duplo outside-castles, houses and cars.
We have got lots of different types of wooden blocks for building. We have to work together to carry the large wooden blocks. When we have made something, we can sit on them, or in them, or even go under them. We have made houses, castles, aeroplanes and lots of towers.
We have been using the junk modelling to build houses, boats and bridges.
We have been building with the small world.
We have lots of fantastic builders in our class!