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  • Cooke 86.1%
  • Ahlberg 86.2%
  • Kipling 81.2%
  • Jeffers 89.6%
  • Milligan 89.6%
  • Rowling 95.3%
  • Morpurgo 94%
  • Shakespeare 94.5%

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Week beginning 5/9/22

Welcome to Ahlberg Reception class! I hope you had a fantastic Summer holiday and that you are looking forward to the new school year. The children have all settled in really well and have enjoyed their first week exploring the learning opportunities available. 

This week we have been reading the story 'Peepo' written by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. The children have noticed that the story is set in the past and have enjoyed comparing and contrasting household objects from now and in the 1930s and 1940s. They were very interested to find out that a long time ago, people did not have a toilet in the house and they had to use the toilet in a shed in the garden!

In Maths we have been learning to recognise the pattern of dots on a dice. This is called 'subitising' and is an important skill for the children to have as a basis of maths learning for this year. The children are getting really good at recognising the pattern of dots and being able to say the number without being to count them.

To find out more about your child's learning this year, I would like to invite you to an informal meeting on Tuesday 13th September at 5pm or 6pm where I will explain more about the learning in Reception and be able to answer all your questions about PE kits, Forest School, library books, lunch, snacks, lost jumpers and anything else you are not sure about! I look forward to seeing you then.
