Week beginning 26.9.22
Week 4 and we’ve celebrated The Great Big Green Week in style!
Well done Year 5 for winning the attendance award this week (we are on a roll)!
Year 5 celebrated The Great Big Green Week with a wonderful visit to Shenley Park. We tasted different varieties of apples (some sweet, some sour), cut the apples into slices, grinded the juice out and then drank some apple juice! We had a lovely time. A huge thank you to the parent helpers!
In maths we have been looking at multiplying numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000. We used place value charts and manipulates to physically move the digits to different columns. Everyone loved showing this process under the visualiser. Year 5 even multiplied decimal numbers by 10, 100 and 1,000. Great work!
In English Morpurgo Class started to write their own versions of The Wolves in the Walls. We’ve seen The Pigs, Snakes, Kittens and even Monkeys in the Walls! We spent a few lessons looking at constructing sentences with a focus on fronted adverbials, conjunctions and comma use. They have been trying really hard to improve their handwriting and it’s showing.
In Guided Reading Year 5 enjoyed using their Film VIPERS to summarise and explain different short films.
In PSHE the children discussed the challenges refugees may face.
In Art the children started to plan their Frida Kahlo inspired self portraits. They carefully considered proportions and incorporating Kahlo’s style.
In music the children continued to play the glockenspiels to the tune of Living on a Prayer. They found the beat, improvised over the music and even sung A cappella!
In Geography Year 5 explored the physical geography of the UK by plotting famous features on a map of the UK. They used Chromebooks, atlases and GoogleMaps to locate these places and then researched key facts. We compared the similarities and differences of the UK and Mexico!
In French Morpurgo Class memorised the names of even more fruit. We learnt the difference between one and more than one fruit. They are really building up a bank of fruit-based vocabulary!
Week four is complete and there’s so much more to look forward to in Year 5!
The Year 5 Stay and Learn is next week. I look forward to seeing you all there.
Stay safe,
Mr Donnellan