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  • Cooke 86.1%
  • Ahlberg 86.2%
  • Kipling 81.2%
  • Jeffers 89.6%
  • Milligan 89.6%
  • Rowling 95.3%
  • Morpurgo 94%
  • Shakespeare 94.5%

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Week beginning 2.10.22

Week 5 and Morpurgo class have worked with grown-ups!


A big thank you to all who attended the stay and learn. It was a lovely session where the children got to share their Art learning and put their skills to use. It was great to see how everyone carefully observed their subjects and used the vocabulary of proportional, self-portrait and culture. Well done everyone! 


Well done Year 5 for winning the attendance award (again) this week!


Year 5 sang amazingly during our Harvest Festival Assembly. Harvest Samba is a brilliant song - it’s still stuck in our heads!


Morpurgo Class filled their marble jar, and that means only one thing (class party!). The class danced, drew, played games and enjoyed yummy treats. Bruno was caught eating the marbles the very next morning! Seems like we will have to start earning more marbles.


Bruno the dog is our new class mascot. He sometimes makes mistakes in his learning, and the children love to point these out to him.


In maths we have been looking at multiple and factors. We enjoyed drawing on the tables as a collaborative way of presenting our maths learning. We used manipulatives in the form of counters, cubes and bead strings to represent different multiples. Children noticed that some numbers only have one factor pair (one and the number itself) we call these prime numbers.


In English Morpurgo Class have read about the famous fossil hunter Mary Ann. We highlighted key information and summarised her life into a fact file. The children wrote about key events in their own lives using fronted adverbials.


In Science we have explored water resistance. We investigated the amount of time it took different weights to fall though water and created tin-foil boats. We tested to see how much weight the boats could hold before sinking. The vocabulary streamlined and water resistance were used with confidence!


In Guided Reading Year 5 answered retrieval questions and summarised a chapter. They loved our Films Viper about meerkats and a vulture.


In PSHE the children carefully considered their specific rights and responsibilities.


In Art the children started to create their final piece. They brought together all that they have learnt to create striking self-portraits!


In music the children read and transcribed musical notes to play different songs. 


In computing the children wrote a code for moving a football (they even changed the speed and amount of friction). Next, they wrote out the necessary and unnecessary steps for making a dish of food - this links to how we simplify code.


In French Morpurgo Class have acted out going to a market to buy fruit at different stalls.


Week five is complete and there’s so much more to look forward to in Year 5!



Stay safe,


Mr Donnellan

