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Week beginning 19th September

This week the children have been continuing rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. Next week they will be looking at formal addition (column method) with no regrouping and then with regrouping. 


The children have been exploring how to demarcate a sentence and to do this they have done walk talky sentences where the children read aloud while walking and change direction once they get to a full stop. They have also completed some writing using rainbow sentences which is to help them to see separate sentences. 


In Science the children made a range of electrical circuits to explore whether they could add and make work a variety of components. For example if there are two lightbulbs added what will happen to the brightness. They were also encouraged to use problem solving skills as to why the circuit may not have worked too. 


In History the children have compared and contrasted The Ancient Greek Olympics and our modern day Olympics. They have also explored the different societies of Athens and Sparta and looking at the pros and cons of living there. 


Please continue to read with your children and record in their reading records. 

Homework is due on a Thursday and the expectation is that the children complete all of the tasks. 

Thanks for your support.


