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Week beginning 19.9.22

Week 3 and we’ve fitted a lot of learning into a short week!


Well done Year 5 for winning the attendance award last week.


In maths we have moved from our topic of negative numbers on to decimal numbers. We started by recognising decimal numbers on a number line and we built them using concrete resources on a place value chart. Once the children gained confidence we moved on to comparing and partitioning these decimal numbers. Morpurgo Class showed determination and curiosity as they learnt about tenths, hundredths and even thousandths!


In English we re-read The Wolves in the Walls and focused on a page that reads “Where could she go? What could she do?” We used this as a stimulus to generate ideas Lucy might try. The children wrote these as sentences with co-ordinating conjunctions and shared their ideas with the class. Morpurgo Class wrote a police report describing the bizarre things they saw the wolves doing. This lesson developed their use and understanding of co-ordinating conjunctions and commas.


In Guided Reading Year 5 used their Reading VIPERS to summarise key events in the text and made predictions on what they thought might happen in the next chapter. Lots of interesting ideas were shared!


In RE the children used chrome books to research Christian Pilgrimages and they created fact files for specific holy places. In PSHE the children discussed the challenges refugees may face.


In Art the children explored how Frida Kahlo used elements of Mexican culture and heritage in her artworks. Morpurgo Class created a background drawing upon what is important to them and their families.


In Science everyone loved creating different sized parachutes for Lego mini figures. This was based on our learning on air resistance and answering the question do larger parachutes create more air resistance. We went outside to test our predictions!


In music the children played glockenspiels to the tune of Living on a Prayer! They played notes accurately and they all sounded superb.


In Geography Year 5 explored the human geography of Mexico and created interesting leaflets to encourage tourists to visit the country.


In French Morpurgo Class memorised the names of a variety of fruit. They showed excellent pronunciation!


Week three is complete and there’s so much more to look forward to in Year 5!



Stay safe,


Mr Donnellan
