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  • Cooke 86.1%
  • Ahlberg 86.2%
  • Kipling 81.2%
  • Jeffers 89.6%
  • Milligan 89.6%
  • Rowling 95.3%
  • Morpurgo 94%
  • Shakespeare 94.5%

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Week beginning 17.10.22

Week 7 and Morpurgo class have massively enjoyed Book Week!


Our focus text for Book Week is ‘and Tango Makes Three’. It’s a heart-warming story about love, family and acceptance.


In English year 5 started the week by creating stunning story maps for their versions of the text. This helped them better understand the structure of the original text. We discussed all we knew about penguins and even learnt some new facts (did you know penguins are carnivores?). Next, they began to write a narrative based on the original text. Some chose to write about pandas, sloths, lions, snakes and even elephants! We spent lots of time reading each other’s work to check for spellings, punctuation and flow. These were re-written in the children’s best presentation ready to go up on display!


In maths we have been looking at different methods for multiplication and division. We looked at the doubling and halving technique for multiplication: 24 x 6 gives the same answer as 12 x 12! We looked at the written method for multiplication and division along with various mental strategies. 


In Science we explored a variety of gears, pulleys and mechanisms. We discussed the forces acting on the mechanisms and discovered that if a gear rotates in one direction, the gear next to it will rotate in the opposite direction. We discussed Isaac Newton and the importance of his discoveries.


In Guided Reading Year 5 completed Kensuke’s Kingdom (there were a few teary eyes at the sad ending!). Year five summarised the text and explained some of Kensuke’s actions. It’s not a story we will forget any time soon!


In Geography Morpurgo classe compared the human geography of Mexico and the UK. We compared populations, crops grown, the main exports produced, traditional dishes and celebrations.


In Art the children used the techniques they learnt during their art lessons to create beautiful penguin art! Just have a look at the care, creativity and attention to detail shown in these art pieces. The variety of techniques and tools used is impressive.


Autumn 1 is complete and there’s so much more to look forward to in Year 5!



Have a safe and relaxing break.


Mr Donnellan
