Week beginning 16.1.23
This week we have been learning about Lunar New Year. We have listened to the story about the Chinese Emperor who decided that in order to measure time, he would challenge the animals to a race across the river. The first 12 animals to cross would each have a year named after them. This year is the year of the rabbit. The children have used the small world animals to re-tell the story, they have made stick puppets of the characters and have sequenced the order of the animals in the race. The children have also helped to make a Chinese dragon by drawing round their hands, cutting them out and sticking them together to make one long dragon. Once they were shown how to make it, some of the children had a go at making their own individual dragons. They enjoyed dressing up in the role play area and having a go at using chopsticks to pick up pretend tomatoes.
After learning about the winter season during last week's mild weather, the children have been really excitied by the cold snap this week. They have enjoyed trying to break the ice in the water trays outside and exploring the ice on the floor and other surfaces. We could see the ice crystals on the fence post which looked realy sharp but were actually quite soft.