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  • Cooke 86.1%
  • Ahlberg 86.2%
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  • Rowling 95.3%
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Week beginning 16.1.23

Week 2 and year 5’s become expert sound artists!


It’s safe to say that Morpugo class have truly enjoyed their experience with Empowering Voices. We have learnt so much about the Jewish community and faith. This week, the children chose, collected and created different soundscapes. These will be useful in helping the actors bring their script to life!


In maths we have been looking at fractions! We have multiplied fractions by whole numbers, converted improper fractions to mixed numbers and we are now moving onto converting units of measure. Ask a member of Morpurgo class how many grams are in a kilogram or how many km is 73,000m.


In English Morpurgo Class have planned, written, edited and published newspaper reports based on our class text The Boy in the Tower. There is a real buzz around this text and it has been lovely hearing discussions and, “Can we read another chapter, please?


In Guided Reading Year 5 enjoyed using their Film VIPERS to build emotive vocabulary around a dramatic animation, Little Freak. We have used our retrieval skills to draw and label a character’s appearance from Anglo-Saxon Boy.


In Art the children used the style of Hockney to recreate part of his artwork. Incredible use of pastel crayons to mimic his colour choices, technique and observations!


In French the children continued to learn about the seasons. Lovely pronunciation and sentence construction.


In History Year 5 created timelines for the Anglo-Saxons. Great chronological understanding and organising of dates Year 5!


In Science Morpurgo Class have considered and compared the different reasons people throughout history believed the Earth was flat or spherical. They explained the most significant evidence for the Earth being sphere shaped.


Week two is complete and there’s so much more to look forward to in Year 5! 



Stay safe,


Mr Donnellan
