Week beginning 16.10.23
On Monday it was apple juicung day and we had a go at making apple juice.
First we chose an apple and cut it into large pieces.
Then we put it into a machine and turned the handle to chop it into smaller pieces. It was hard work!
After that we put the pieces of apple into a press. We had to turn a handle to squeeze the juice out of the apples. It was very hard work!
Finally we could drink our apple juice. It was delicious!
On Monday we found ice in one of our trays outside for the first time this year. The children enjoyed playing with it. It was cold, slippery and easy to snap.
It was lovely to see everyone at parents' evenings this week and great to share your child's fantastic progress. Some parents were asking about phonics and how to say the letter sounds. There is some information about phonics on the 'reading and phonics home school partnership' section of our class pages. I have also attached the video below of how to say each of the letter sounds. If you ever have any questions about how to support your child in reading and phonics, please come and ask.