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  • Cooke 91%
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Week beginning 14th March 2022

This week has been British Science week focusing on 'Growth'. Year 5 investigated the life cycle of a plant. They then conducted an investigation on soil and what it is made up from and its components. The children then did some research on soil. 

We had a great time taking a look at all the contributions children made to science week. We loved looking at the diverse range of science topics, experiments and investigations people did. Thank you to all those who took part!

In maths the children are looking at 3D shapes and identifying 2D nets which create a 3D shape. They spent some time building nets and drawing nets and seeing which nets would work.

For English the children have been developing suspense in their writing using figurative language and developing pace. 

King Alfred the Great has been explored and we looked at why he may have been given the title 'Great'. 

The whole school dressed in colours of the Ukrainian flag to show our support for the people of Ukraine. We made a donation so money could be sent to charities who are able to send aid and support to those who need it. 
