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Week 8 - Monday 18th October 2021

What a lovely end to the first half term. I would just like to say a massive ‘thank you’ to all the parents and carers who came to our very first Year 4 sharing assembly, I know how much it means to the children to see you all there. I was so very proud of each and every child as I’m sure you are as well!


This week has been nothing but non-stop. We had our ‘WOW’ day on Wednesday and all the children, including myself and Mrs Light, dressed up as an Ancient Greek for the day. We had lots of fun making masks, designing vases and tasting a range of Greek foods.


In Maths we have been looking at written subtraction, we were learning how to regroup and move numbers over from the hundred and tens column. This took some practise but we had a lot of determined children.


After half term we will start our Design and Technology topic which will following on from our Science, the children will be planning, making and evaluating a ‘light up sign’.

In Maths we will be looking at mental strategies for multiplication and division.


Hope you all have a lovely half term,

Miss Atkinson and Mrs Light
