Week 3 - Monday 13th September 2021
Good afternoon! Another week done and dusted and what a lovely week it has been.
This week we finished our Traction Man inspired Art, the children were to use slogan, text style, layout, and description to show awareness of space. Below are a few examples of the posters that were created.
In English we started our new book, ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ by Joe Todd - Stanton. Today the children drew and labelled a map of an imaginary place with forests, mountains and a river. They used conjunctions to join clauses together and used an array of verbs and adjectives to make their sentences exciting. Check out some of the work below.
Next week we will continue with our book, ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’ and begin to use descriptive language to make our writing more vivid.
As a school we have signed up to the scheme ‘Charanga’ and on the useful links sub-heading is a link for the website. Your child will be coming home from school today with an individual log in so please explore the page when you have some time. We will continue learning all about Abba and practising our song, Mama Mia, this half term.
Have a lovely weekend, Miss Atkinson and Mrs Light