Week 1
The children have started back to school with a really positive attitude to learning, which has been great.
In English this week, we have been looking Riddles. Throughout the week, They have explored new vocabulary and delved into the words meaning and finding synonyms (words which mean the same thing). The children then wrote their own riddles which we then all had a go at solving!
In Maths, we have been securing our understanding of place value. We have practised building saying and writing numbers using concrete resources and drawings to help them. We have regrouped numbers, found more and less than a given number and compared and ordered numbers. Next week we will be exploring estimating numbers and rounding numbers.
Our History topic for this term is 'The Ancient Greeks' and we have enjoyed finding out all about how the Greeks used to live, comparing the lives of men and women and the style of home to our own present day experience. The children will explore what the Greeks have given us and some of the Greek Gods and Myths.
The children have had reading books and records sent home this week so please ensure that you are reading regularly with your children at home. They also have brought home homework, which contains this weeks spellings, a writing task and a maths task. Homework is due in on a Thursday.