WC 4th July 2022
Another busy week in Year 3!
We got very creative in English and had a go at writing and performing our own play scripts!
Lunchtime Football

The all new Hairspray!

In maths we have been securing our learning of the four operations - addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We started with revisiting the column method for addition and subtraction with regrouping.
After a lot of time and hard work we were so excited to perform our dance in the showcase this week!
As we get ready to move on up to year 4 we were very excited to meet our new teaching team Mrs Jacobs and Miss James. We wrote them letters to tell them how we felt and all the things we think they should know about us! It was great to spend transition morning in our new classroom getting to know each other and creating some very colourful Greek temples.
We’re getting excited for our Ancient Egyptian WOW day next week. But this week we were able to finish off our clay death masks!
We started the week with our governors award assembly. It was so nice to celebrate each other’s achievements across the school. A huge well done to our governors award nominees and winners as well as our stars of the day this week!