Reading Partnership
In Year 4, your child will read at least once every two weeks with an adult. When your child reads with an adult at school, this will be recorded in their reading record with a comment so you know they have read. Some of the children may have a phonics-matched book to take home and practise. If so, please also practise the phonics sounds that are in the middle of their reading journal and the high frequency words and common exception words- these are also found on this page.
All children will have the opportunity to change their reading book on Friday but also throughout the week if they have finished reading their book. Please read with your child daily and get your child to answer questions about what they have read.
Children will also have a library book which will be changed on a Monday. This book is one your child has chosen to read for enjoyment.
Please ensure that your child learns their weekly spellings, as this is linked to the year 4 spelling rules. The weekly spellings will be stuck into their reading records.
Reading books and reading record books should be kept in your child's bag so that we can have them in the class every day and update them when needed.