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  • Cooke 92.6%
  • Ahlberg 89.3%
  • Kipling 88.6%
  • Jeffers 87.9%
  • Milligan 89.6%
  • Rowling 92.2%
  • Morpurgo 92.8%
  • Shakespeare 95.1%

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Summer 2

Before we finished for half term, we were lucky enough to be able to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee as a whole school. We made crowns and party plates and dressed up in red, white and blue. The children took part in a 'Street Party' and had a lovely lunch altogether on the playground.


Whilst being back we have finished off our writing on Shackleton's Journey. We will be looking at Shakespeare's play Macbeth... exploring the language, characters and the story line. 

In maths the children are exploring scale, converting units of metric measurements and looking at units of imperial measurements.


For Design and Technology the children have completed their slipper. They have learnt to do three stitches, join material together and problem solve as they are working on their design. They worked so hard and were successful in their task.


We have had some DEAR time this week- D rop E verything A nd R ead. It has been very successful in encouraging reading for pleasure. 


In Science we began a new topic and the children explored the different stages as a human grows and the changes which a person may go through.


We were fortunate to be invited to Reception class and pair up as book buddies. We shared stories together.


