Week Six - Monday 23rd May 2022
Year 4 had a fantastic visit to St. Albans Cathedral today and luckily, we stayed dry! The day started by looking at the wonderful stained-glass windows, where we found out that some tell a story, some are of famous people such as King David and St.George and some are used as memorials. Inspired we went and created our own stained-glass windows, which look amazing!
In the afternoon we handled a Roman Soldiers armour and found out about Roman history in Verillanium. Our day ended with every one of us dressing up and learning the story of St Alban and visiting his shrine.
Please don't forget to check out the headteacher blog for all our Jubilee activities. We hope you have a lovelyhalf term and we will see you on Monday 6th June.
Miss Atkinson and Mrs Light
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