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  • Cooke 91%
  • Ahlberg 92%
  • Kipling 91%
  • Jeffers 91%
  • Milligan 93%
  • Rowling 91%
  • Morpurgo 93%
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Week commencing 2nd May

I am so proud of all of the children in Jeffers Class for how hard they have worked this week. 


Firstly, how amazing was all of your homework? It was great to see you working so hard at home as well as in class. In English this week, we were writing our own Tinga Tinga Tales. The children came up with their own problem to solve and wrote it in their own words.


In Maths, we have been finding fractions of amounts. The children have used cubes as well as jottings to  help them to work out the answers. I have been so impressed with how they have transferred their division knowledge to this new context. 


In computing, the children have been writing their own computer code. They have been able to get objects to move and make sound just from writing code. 


Have a lovely weekend in the sun and I will see you all on Monday! :)
