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Week commencing 25th April

This week in English we have been watching 'Tinga Tinga Tales' which are traditional African stories of how animals got certain features. We then rewrote the story of 'How the Elephant Got His Trunk' in our own words. Next week, the children will be innovating their own story based on this. They will pick their own animal and write about how it got a certain feature. 


In Maths, we have been working on division and I am so proud of how confident the children have become with this in such a short time. We have been working on division through sharing and have also seen how we can use our times tables to help us with division. 


We have been doing Computing in the afternoons this week and the children have undertaken a range of tasks which enable them to write their own code. Throughout the week, the children's independence has grown in this hugely. 


The children have brought home a yellow book this week which has their homework in it. The children have an English task, as Maths task and spellings to learn. It is due in next Thursday 5th May. 


Have a lovely bank holiday weekend.

Miss Rawlings :) 
