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Week commencing 18th October

What a fun week we have had in Jeffers Class this week! 


Today we had our very own re-enactment of the 'Great Fire of London'. Throughout the week, the children made their own 1666 houses from the cardboard so kindly donated by you all. We looked at what the houses were like in those times and designed our own to look just like them. When we went out onto the playground, we made sure that we put the houses very close together, as they would have been in 1666. It was also a bit windy as it was then which meant the flames spread quickly. Thank you to Miss Suckling for helping us with this. As you can see from our photos, this was an unforgettable learning experience and a great way to end this half term!


In Music this afternoon, we used the claves to find the pulse or beat of the music. We also enjoyed singing our class song too. Click here for the link for 'Charanga' where your child can practise further. 


The children have come home today with their 'Mini Duke' books as they have finished forest school until after Christmas now. Mrs Irvin has sent the books home as there are some challenges in there such as the 'domestic challenge' that the children can complete at home. Take photos and these can be printed or sent into the school for us to print for you. After half term the children will be doing PE on a Monday afternoon instead and can come in wearing their PE kit on this day. 


I have uploaded some phonics practise that the children can do over half term on the main page of the class page under 'Half Term phonics' so if this can be practised alongside reading that would be great!


The children have worked so hard this half term and deserve a fun and relaxing half term. I can't wait to hear all about what they have been getting up to! Thanks for all of your support.

Miss Rawlings :)

Great Fire of London

Still image for this video