Week beginning 9th May 2022
Dear everyone,
I am so proud of Kipling Class this week because they have worked so hard on their 'Big Write' based on the story of 'The Three Little Pigs'. They had plenty of practise sequencing, retelling and acting out the story so they spent extra time writing the story in their own words they really had to sustain their concentration and effort. We had some great results! Afterwards we enjoyed listening to the children reading out their stories. Next week we are starting a new text 'Voices in the park' by Anthony Browne which is a great story that the children will be able to relate to their own experiences.
In maths we have been building part-whole models using rods and drawing them in our maths books as well as adding calculations to represent the part-whole models.
We have started our new topic 'Our place and the North Pole' for geography, and the children have enjoyed identifying features and buildings in and around Shenley and drawing and writing about their favourite places.
The House Arts day today was a great success with the children exploring dance, drama, art and music. They were keen to try out new experiences and enjoyed sharing what they had been doing on return to the classroom.
Please remember to read at least five times a week with your child and sign the reading record, I really can't express how important this is for them.
We are inviting all Year 1 parents in for a phonics screening information session on Monday 16th May at 2.45pm in the main hall before pick up time.
We do hope you can come along and there will be an information pack for you to take away as well as other resources to support phonics skills with games to play!
Have a lovely weekend everyone and see you on Monday.
Mrs Scanzi