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Week beginning 6th September 2021

Well done to all of the children in our new Year 1 class.  We have had a fantastic week and started to settle in to new routines and ways of working.  This week we have set up our class rules and revised the 'Network Hand' as part of our learning about how to keep everyone safe.  We have also chosen our representatives for our 'Eco-council' and School Parliament this week which was very exciting!  They will soon be going to meetings and feeding back and sharing ideas with the class.  

In English this week we have had a whole school focus on the story 'Traction Man' by Mini Grey.  This has been very inspiring for the children and they loved making their own stick puppets of the main characters.  They have sequenced the story and used their imagination to act out sections of the story and created thought bubbles to show what the characters are thinking. 

In maths we have been practising counting skills and using positional language practically using toys.  Also we have been starting to use the language of turning related to position and begun to use ordinal numbers related to position.  

All the children loved our art challenge this week - to create a cape for Traction Man.  We looked at lots of different superheroes first to gather some design ideas.  

Next week we will be continuing with the Traction Man, learning to retell the story and to sequence the story independently.  In Maths we will practising degrees of turn including quarter, half, three quarter and whole turns as well as continuing to identify left from right. 

We have our visit to the library on a Wednesday, so please ensure that you send in the book chosen previously in order that your child may choose a new one to take home.  Please be aware that we will not be issuing a new book until the previous one is returned. We send home reading books on a Friday each week.  Please be sure to read at least 5 times with your child over the week and sign their reading record to confirm you have read with them.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to me or Mrs Warren at any time. 

We look forward to another exciting week ahead!

Mrs Scanzi and Mrs Warren


