Week beginning 27.9.2021
We had a very exciting week in our science lessons! We investigated which rocks were permeable and impermeable. We placed 4 different types of rock in beakers of water and observed closely what happened. The children discovered that chalk and sandstone were permeable rocks because they allowed water to enter due to the air bubbles rising to the surface of the water. The slate and granite rock had no air bubbles which meant no water (or a little amount) was being absorbed.
In dance, the children started learning their routine which they enjoyed and helped select the song. In music, we looked at the tempo of our class song 'Let Your Spirit Fly'. We increased and decreased the tempo which they found highly entertaining!
I am sending home letters for the new music programme we are using. There are challenges for the children t complete which are optional. On the letter are their log ins.
Well done to all those children reading at home and have sent their photos in :)
Have a lovely weekend everyone!