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Week beginning 22nd November 2021

We have had a really fun week this week, getting together with Year 2 and starting to practise the songs for our Christmas play!  We will be sending the words for the songs home next week so the children can practise these at home as well as further details about any costumes which will be needed! 

In English this week we have been re-reading sentences to check for sense and making corrections.  Using our ideas for a recipe for a Gruffalos ideal meal from last week we have constructed sentences based around this using the word 'and' to link our ideas.  Later in the week we introduced the story 'Mr Big' and we shared our thoughts about the feelings of the main character in the story as well as those around him.  

In maths we have been learning to represent calculations in a wide variety of ways including part-whole models, tens grids and using Cuisenaire rods.  

Also this week we introduced the 'Triangle of Reflection' to support children recognising their progress in the lesson against the learning intention and encouraging them to reflect on their learning.  I'm sure they will explain it to you further if you ask them! 

In history we have been looking at seaside holidays in the past, including going back further in time to the Victorian era.  The children have found this fascinating especially the bathing machines and the 'Punch and Judy' show! 

It has been a shorter week than usual so we hope you enjoy an extra day to be together at home!  

Next week we will continue with learning our songs.  We will be continuing to share the story 'Mr Big' and writing sentences linked to the story.  In maths we will be exploring the language of addition and practising counting on.  

In art we will be continuing to learn about line drawings and going outside to look at what winter looks like in our environment and then exploring different techniques to show the season through creating our own picture.  

Thank you for all your support and keep up with the reading - the class are doing brilliantly.  I have set some more Mathletics online.  

Have a super weekend! 

Mrs Scanzi and Mrs Warren
