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  • Cooke 92.6%
  • Ahlberg 89.3%
  • Kipling 88.6%
  • Jeffers 87.9%
  • Milligan 89.6%
  • Rowling 92.2%
  • Morpurgo 92.8%
  • Shakespeare 95.1%

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Week beginning 21st February 2022

The children have come back to school after the half term break full of enthusiasm and readiness to learn. This has been lovely to see. The children have explored the notion of area using practical exploration before moving to using a more formal method to calculate area. 

In English the children began to plan an informative poster about the dreaded 'Bluchers' and their attack on the citizens of Camberwell.

A new topic has been started in science and the children will be exploring the properties of materials. The first lesson began with exploring vocabulary to describe durability and flexibility of different materials.

We had a wonder time during Morpurgo class' 'Stay and Learn' where we had over 15 mums, dads and additional family members who joined us for an art lesson introducing landscapes. It was a sheer joy to see so many faces supporting their children, after such a long time being apart from the school environment. We look forward to being able to do this agin soon.
