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  • Cooke 92.6%
  • Ahlberg 89.3%
  • Kipling 88.6%
  • Jeffers 87.9%
  • Milligan 89.6%
  • Rowling 92.2%
  • Morpurgo 92.8%
  • Shakespeare 95.1%

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Week beginning 14th March 2022

Dear everyone, 


It has been so lovely to be back in class and back with the children once more!  What an exciting week it has been! 

The children have loved doing lots of science lessons, mainly focussed around the changing of the seasons into spring.  They have made a fantastic contribution to our school science fair and they were extremely good at explaining their experiments and sharing all their learning with the class.  A big thank you to everyone who got involved. 

We have been busy in English this week writing our own short free verse poems based around our chosen animal.  On Friday we practised reading and performing them to our friends. 

In maths we have been focussing on odd and even numbers.  This has including playing an 'odds and evens' game, sorting numbers into odd and even and using rods to work out which numbers can be halved and which cannot be halved. We have been counting on number lines on the odd and even numbers. 

Next week we are starting a new text called 'The Last Noo-Noo' by Jill Murphy and considering the behaviour of the characters in the book and relating it to our own experiences. 

In maths we are going to be practising additions using 'think 5' and 'think 10' to support our calculations and using tens grids and bead strings to work out the answers. 

We are starting a new Design and Technology project about gears, levers and sliders which I'm sure the children will enjoy.  

In music we are going to be listening to a range of composers and learning to appreciate and comment on what we hear using some musical terms. 

We look forward to a great week together.  Please remember to read regularly at home with your child and sign the reading record each time. 


Thank you for all of your help and support as always.


Mrs Scanzi
