Week beginning 11th October 2021
This week the children have been exploring the Maya ancient civilisation, finding out about their number system, writing, everyday life, religion and the sources historians have to show them all this information.
The children have been investigating water resistance this week, taking the opportunity to explore streamlined animals in nature, making a boat which has the least amount of water resistance and testing in the water.
Multiples and factors have been the focus of our maths this week, the children have been identifying which one is which in a multiplication calculation.
In English the children have been delving deeper into the world of Monsterology, discovering creatures of the air, sea and semi-human beasts- which are incredible hard to find. Their writing included a postcard home about a rare interaction with one of these animals.
In PSHCE the children explored the challenges of working in a team and ways to overcome conflict. They were encouraged to look at behaviours which are less helpful to their learning and problem solve as a class.