Week beginning 11/10/21
This week we are beginning to look for signs of Autumn outside. We have talked about the changing colours of the leaves and that they fall from the trees at this time of year. We have found lots of yellow and brown leaves, but no red or orange ones. We have talked about how trees have fruit that ripens at this time of year and have seen huge apples on the trees in Forest School. We have read a story about squirrels burrying acorns, but we did not find any acorns on our school field. If you find any autumnal things on your walks, the children can bring them in to show the class and add to our Autumn display.

This week in Maths we have been learning about counting. We have practised moving objects into a line to help us count things and we have been finding lots of opportunities to count. What do you think we might be counting in the photographs below?