Week 3 - Week Beginning 7th March 2022
This week Nursery have been reading 'Oliver's Vegetables'. We have been thinking about what we need to keep our bodies healthy and what type of foods we need to eat. We sorted different foods into the ones we should eat lots of and ones we should only eat sometimes. We cut out pictures and stuck them on paper plates to make plates of healthy foods. We also tried lots of different vegetables on Friday and made a tally of our favourite ones. We also had a go at doing our own tally charts during child initiated learning.
Click on the link below to listen to Miss Gallagher reading 'Oliver's Vegetables'. There are also some activities you can print and do at home if you want to.
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Next Week...
Is British Science week and our Science week at Shenley Primary School. The theme this year is 'Growth'. We will be doing lots of activities including growing seeds, thinking about how we have grown and looking at signs of spring and growing around us.