Week 1 - Week Beginning: 1st November 2021
Welcome Back!
I hope everyone had a restful half-term!
Nursery have jumped straight back into their learning this week and have been very excited to learn all about the Hindu festival Diwali and learning about Bonfire Night and how to keep safe around fireworks. The children enjoyed creating some firework and bonfire pictures using paint and leaves for the bonfire. They also loved watching a video all about a girl named Jessica and finding out about how she celerates Diwali with her family. On Monday we will be trying some Indian food like some of the special food Jessica eats in the video.
Everyone in Nursery would also like to say a big thank you to Gristwood and Toms for delivering tree bark and logs, for the Forest school area in our outside classroom, at the end of last half term. Along with their generous donation of money we are beginning to see a real improvement in our outside classroom! Thank You!