WC 25th April 2022
Another busy week in Milligan class. We’ve continued reading ‘The Finger Eater’ and found out more about the characters Ulf and Gudrun. We thought about the best way to stop Ulf eating anyones fingers. We really went the extra mile by researching idioms and their meanings so we could use these in our writing.
In maths we finished our work on multiplication and are now looking at division problems. Towards the end of the week we combined this with last weeks learning to find fact families for our number problems.
Our new topic in science is Light. We thought about things that produce light and those that don’t. Some objects tried to trick us, although they don’t produce light they reflect it!
After making the change in languages across the school we have really got stuck in with our French learning. This half term we’re learning about animals!
Les animaux - group 1

Les animaux - group 2

Over the year we’ve been working hard in our dance PE lessons practicing our routine, it’s really coming together nicely but still time to make it perfect!
Dance with year 3

Another week has flown by in year 3! Well done to our stars of the day this week. We have all worked very hard and looking forward to the bank holiday weekend. Next week will be a little shorter but still lots to learn so be sure to come back and see what we get up to…