W.C 10.01.2022
We have had a busy first week in Year 6! It has been Book Week this week, we have been looking at Floella Benjamin's 'Coming to England'.
In English, we have put oursevles in the shoes of Floella, We wrote back to our family and friends in Trinidad once we had arrived in London. We thought about how she must have been feeling to arrive in England, after hearing the 'paths are paved with gold!'.
In Art, we have been looking at Kara Walker, an African American artist who uses silhouettes to tell a story! We investigated her work and researched her early life and how this lead to her creating such incredible art. We had a go at creating our own personal silhouettes and our final pieces were based on a story of our choice.
In Maths, we have been revising long/short multiplication and short division. We have looked at this through fluency and reasoning.
In Science, we began our new topic; Space. We created double page spreads to demonstrate our understanding of our solar system.