Ahlberg Classes EYFS
Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage Page!
We are enthusiastic learners, who strive to be the best we can be.
We spend our days with Mrs Light and Mrs Warren, who help us to learn and grow, and challenge us to be successful.
We always aim to work together as a team to ensure our learning journey is fun, creative and rewarding.
In Reception and Nursery, the children have opportunities to play outside, whatever the weather. Please make sure your child comes to school suitably dressed.
The children in Reception will have PE (dance) on Wednesday morning starting after October half term. Please come to school wearing school PE kit-black joggers, PE t-shirt, school jumper and trainers.
Forest School
Forest school is on Wednesday afternoon. Please bring an all-in-one waterproof and wellies in a named bag for your child to change into. The children will go out in all weathers!