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Week Commencing 5th January

Welcome back!

I hope that you all had a relaxing Christmas Holidays. The children have returned to school with an excellent attitude to learning and have worked really hard this week. 


In English, We have been looking at the book 'Coming to England' by Floella Benjamin. This is part of a whole school book week and next week we will be writing letters in role as Floella Benjamin describing what life is like in London. This week we have been focusing on extending our sentences using adjectives and conjunctions such as because, and, but and so. 


This week in Maths, we have been focusing on statistics. We have sorted into special tables called 'Carroll diagrams' and have also read information from timetables and weather charts. Today we created our own tally charts and surveyed our classmates about their favourite colours, ice creams, foods and even football players! We really enjoyed doing this and showed our confidence with tally charts. As part of this we counted in fives and rehearsing these facts at home will help us during this unit. 


Our Art lessons this week have focused on the artist Sir Frank Benjamin, who created a series of abstract paintings with a focus on colour and texture. On Thursday we used glitter to create a rough texture on our paintings and we also used string dipped in paint to create some unusual abstract creations. 


We now have PE on a Friday as our Monday PE slot has reverted back to Forest School. Therefore we can wear PE kit Wednesday and Friday (for dance and PE) and need to bring Forest School clothes to change into for Monday. 


In PE this week we were working on our dribbling skills with a football and had some great technique!


Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Rawlings smiley
