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  • Cooke 91%
  • Ahlberg 92%
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  • Jeffers 91%
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Week Commencing 28th February

We have had another week packed full of learning in Jeffers Class this week. 


In English, we have been writing our own poems and I have been blown away by the children's ideas. They have used some wonderful descriptions and have even included some alliteration and similes! I am really proud of what the children have achieved and all of them have lots of yellow highlighting in their books, which shows that they have met the learning intention. 


In Maths, we have continued to learn about time but this week we have looked at ordering and comparing lengths of time. On Friday, the children did really well with this and it has been great to see their confidence grow throughout the week. The children brought home clocks that they made earlier on in the week and it would be great if they could practise telling the time with these at home. 


Our 'Stay and Learn' event this morning was a great success so thank you to everybody that came. The children loved having you here to share their learning and the Australia maps that were produced are great. We are looking forward to painting them next week and I will put them on this page to show you how your handiwork turned out!


Thank you as always for your continued support. 

Have a great weekend :)
