Week commencing 13th September
This week has been another busy one in Year Two! In English we have been writing our very own Traction Man stories about all of his adventures! We also created costumes for him with a focus on drawing patterns.
In Maths, we have been working on our number fluency to 20 and have been ordering, comparing and adding these amounts. We have used lots of the Maths equipment to do this and we are growing in confidence.
On Wednesday, we had a dance lesson with Hayley who comes in to work with us. We were working on creating moves to fit our favourite films and also looked at different ways of travelling around the hall in groups. It was great fun and we all showed such confidence when performing to others!
We also visited the library on Wednesday. This is a lovely time of the week when we can sit quietly and read a book with our friends for fun! We all really enjoy this time. We also get to take a book home. These books need to be returned every Wednesday so that we can take a new one.
We have also continued with our Great Fire of London topic this week and the children are very knowledgeable about the fire!
Have a lovely weekend :)