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Week beginning 3rd May 2022

Dear everyone, 

Even though it has been a shorter week we have got a lot done!  

In English we have been focussing on retelling the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' using actions and then working in groups to tell the story using stick puppets.  We have been writing the story in sequence using time connectives and trying to use the word 'and' to extend ideas in our sentences. 

In maths we have been working hard on our number bonds to 10 and to 20 and balancing addition calculations.  We have also been trying to find different ways to make a given number using 3 numbers in a calculation, exploring all possibilities. 

This week we have been talking about families and appreciating that all families share many things in common but no two families are the same!  The children really enjoyed talking about and drawing their own families.  

Swimming lessons went very well this week with the class being very sensible and getting changed more quickly and listening to the swimming teachers' instructions.  Well done! 

As the children managed to fill up their marble jar this week we had a little celebration time on Friday afternoon which was a lot of fun.  

Next week we will be finishing off on our work on 'The Three Little Pigs' and starting a new topic in Geography called 'Our place and the North Pole' where we will be making comparisons about the locality and its features and the different lifestyles.  We are looking forward to a local explorer coming in to see us to tell us all about his trips around the world including his expeditions to the North Pole! 

Please keep up with the reading at home as it makes such a difference to the children's progress not only in reading, but also to their ability access so many other areas of learning.  We do love it if you can sign to say you have read with your child and write a short comment. Just to remind everyone we send new reading books home on Friday and Library books are changed each week on a Wednesday (only if your child returns their book)! 

Have a super weekend and we look forward to another new week! 


Mrs Scanzi
