Week beginning 3rd May 2022
Morpurgo class have continued to explore the adventures of Shackleton on the Endurance. The children enjoyed finding words to describe the Weddell sea and completed a zone of relevance to help them determine which words work most accurate to use and least accurate. They used these words to write a descriptive piece.
In Maths the children have been looking at division, division with remainders and how to express the remainders as decimals and fractions.
In Science we have been investigating mammals gestation periods and seeing if there is a link to their size. We further compared the gestation data with data around the mammals average life expectancy. Any patterns were looked at and to see if there were patterns which were always true or sometimes true. The children devised some questions around the data.
Jigsaw explored online communities and the children were able to explore their responsibilities whilst interacting in an online community forum. It lead to some lively discussions.
In French the children were learning numbers upto 30 and recapping their colours.
The children were real historians trying to piece together all the facts about the time when England became united. They looked at the evidence of which kings were on the thrones, what happened and what led to England becoming the England we know today.