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  • Cooke 86.1%
  • Ahlberg 86.2%
  • Kipling 81.2%
  • Jeffers 89.6%
  • Milligan 89.6%
  • Rowling 95.3%
  • Morpurgo 94%
  • Shakespeare 94.5%

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Week beginning 25th April 2022

The children have been researching members of Shackleton's Endurance crew to find out why they may have been chosen. The children were encouraged to write an application using persuasive language so they could be considered for a position. Then they were able to devise some questions to ask in an interview and were able to have an interview practise. 

In Maths the children were looking at calculating missing angles on a line and missing calculations around a point. This co-ordinated all of our learning about angles so far. 

We have continued to explore the life of King Alfred and his impact on Anglo- Saxon England and for the Vikings who lived there. We explored the similarities and differences between the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings who all lived in Britain at the same time. 

The children had a 'Mini Police' experience when they were visited by two PCSO's and a police officer who talked to the children about what they do, the equipment they carry and allowed the children to look at the police car. 

We practised hard for our class assembly this morning and delivered an awesome performance of some of our learning to our parents and carers. 
