Week beginning 21st March 2022
Dear all,
It has been a lovely week and started to feel quite spring like! The children have loved playing outside on the field and spending time in our play area outside our classroom helping to clean, wash and sweep!
In English we have started our new text 'The Last Noo-Noo' by Jill Murphy and they have found it very amusing. We have explored different roles using drama and thought of and written questions we would like to ask the characters. We have been reading sections of the story as a class to develop reading fluency and prosody. We will continue with this text next week. During story time we have also listened to other texts by Jill Murphy.
In maths this week we have been practising counting forwards and back on number lines and using bead strings. We have been practising addition using 'think 10' on two tens grids. We have been drawing and writing our calculations in different ways.
Also we have started a new topic for Design Technology about Gears, Levers and Pulleys. We have had a look at some of these in real life and considered and explored how they work.
The children had an arts afternoon on Friday preparing their Easter cards they are making and making some cards for Mothering Sunday.
Hope you all have a super weekend and get out to enjoy the lovely weather!
Any questions please ask me! Parents evenings are on Wednesday and Thursday next week. We are also holding a special open afternoon from 3pm on Monday when parents can come into class and share their children's own books with them, so we look forward to seeing you then!
Mrs Scanzi