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  • Cooke 91%
  • Ahlberg 92%
  • Kipling 91%
  • Jeffers 91%
  • Milligan 93%
  • Rowling 91%
  • Morpurgo 93%
  • Shakespeare 92%

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Week beginning 20th September 2021

This week we read the story 'Stanley's Stick' and recalled the different ways Stanley used his imagination to pretend his stick could turn into a huge range of objects.  The children then went outside to find their own sticks and used their  ideas to act out to their learning partners the different ways they could use their sticks!  They thought this was great fun!  Back in the classroom the children are now writing about their sticks using their own imagination.  Next week we will continue with this text and practise writing simple single clause sentences based around images and ideas from the story. 

We were very proud to be the winners for the class of best 'super readers' for this week with a score of 88%.  Keep up the good work everyone!  Our class guided reading sessions are going very well and the children are really enjoying the new Read, Write, Inc storybooks. 

In maths we have been practising recognising small amounts presented in different ways without needing to count the objects 1-1.  The children have been learning to represent numbers themselves in their chosen ways.   We have been maths games and practising counting forwards and backwards including over the tens and over 100.  Next week we will be identifying simple patterns in numbers - for example on dice, on tens frames and playing cards. 

Also this week the children have been learning our class song 'Hey You!' which is a class rap!  They have been great at keeping a steady pulse and copying clapped rhythms. 

In geography we have been learning to identify the difference between human and physical features in a seaside environment.  In science we are going to be finding out about the weather and thinking about how seasonal changes affect the weather and the hours of daylight and temperatures.  

The children have worked hard to fill up the class cork jar so we had a class celebration with the children choosing to have cup cakes, ice-cream and a game of pass-the-parcel.  They have now started to work towards getting it re-filled!

We look forward to our learning next week!

Mrs Scanzi and Mrs Warren

