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Week beginning 1st November

Welcome back to the second half of the Autumn term. The children have stepped into the classroom ready to learn which has been great. 

In maths the children have been looking at prime and composite numbers and we had lots of discussion around what makes a prime number ( it only has one array and only two factors, the number 1 and itself) and how all other numbers are composite. Next week the children will be multiplying and dividing numbers, mentally using known facts. 

In English the children completed their non-chronological report on their own mythical creature and we spent some time looking at ways we could edit and improve our writing. The children will be looking at a new book (Cloud Tea Monkeys by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham) next week in English and will hopefully write some lovely narratives. 

In Science we had a very practical and hands on lesson, exploring simple mechanisms which help make a small force, bigger, reducing the amount of effort needed to lift a weight. Gears work by smaller gears working faster with less force and bigger gears moving slowly with greater force. If you are out and about on bikes this weekend see how the gears help you to get up a hill. 

We have been looking at Frida Kahlo and her art. We spent time looking at the techniques used to complete proportional sketches of the face. She was famous for her self portraits. The children had great ideas for which animal they may wish to incorporate in their final piece as a representation of themselves. 
